Sunday, August 22, 2010

Benjamin's Art: Summer 2010

Here is Benjamin's super art work from the summer of 2010.

First Day of Casa Vida!

Friday, August 13 was the first day of Casa Vida for the 2010/2011 school year. And, this year, Ethan gets to go because he is in Kindergarten!! He has been waiting for this day for months and woke up excited and ready to go! Noah also woke up excited and ready to go . . . even putting on a backpack just like the other brothers. Casa Vida is an enrichment program for homeschooled students, where they do art, music, PE, computers, centers, library time, Spanish and science labs. This year, Ethan is in Mrs. Caviglia's class for K/1. Benjamin moved up to Mrs. Sheehan's 2/3 class and Daniel is in the "big" class this year: Mrs. Warner's 4/5/6 class. It's going to be a fun year!

First Day of Co-op!

Wednesday, August 4 was the first day of Co-op for the 2010/2011 school year! Two years ago, when we founded Tapestry of the Desert, we had four families and 12 kids. Last year, we grew to seven families and 20 kids. This year, we are blessed with 10 families and 28 kids!! We are again meeting at East Valley Bible Church--renting three classrooms each week. Ethan and Noah are in the Five in A Row class, reading quality children's literature and doing related activities each week. Benjamin is in the Lower Grammar class, studying history and doing crafts and activities. Daniel is in the oldest kids' class. His class, the Upper Grammar class, digs deeper into our history topics with in-depth discussions as well as crafts and activities. We are looking forward to an awesome year of learning, growing, sharing and having a blast together!!

Benjamin's New Smile!

On Tuesday, July 27, Benjamin pulled out his very loose front tooth. This was the second of his front teeth to come out, giving him a very wide gap--which he is very proud of! We love your new smile, Benji!!

Keller Family Bowling Fun!

To celebrate a great first day of school, all six of us headed out for some bowling fun on the afternoon of July 26. Noah, our bowling enthusiast, was especially excited! We all played well, were encouraging to each other and had a great time together!!

First Day of School!

Monday, July 26 was the first official day of school for the Keller Academy! We are all so excited about the new school year--and we are off to a great start!!

On July 13, we met our friends the Glaziers, the Fenders and the Storks at Bounce Jungle for a morning of high-energy fun! All of the kids had a great time going from room--bouncing and sliding!

Fishing Fun!

Before leaving the beautiful pines, the kids all wanted to go fishing in the Creek. Christopher Creek was just recently stocked with trout, so we figured our chances were good for catching something--boy were we wrong!! The kids had a great time fishing, but nobody caught anything!

A Spectacular Fourth of July Celebration in Payson

For the evening of the Fourth, we headed into Payson for their festival and fireworks. It was a perfect, fun evening with friends. The only sad part, Daniel got a migraine about an hour after we arrived at the park. We were able to get him some Advil and he quickly went to sleep and slept for almost 3 hours in the grass. Fortunately, he woke up right as the fireworks were starting and was just fine! Payson puts on a great show, it was awesome!! Leaving our parking lot, was not so awesome, however. It took almost an hour for us to even leave our space--wow!! We were in good spirits and were happy to finally get back to the cabin and into bed well after midnight!!

Cliff Jumping

While in Christopher Creek for the Fourth of July weekend, we took a beautiful hike along Tonto Creek. At the end of the hike, we discovered some deep pools of water and some cliffs to jump off of. The kids, and the parents, had a great time making a splash!!