Tuesday, May 18, 2010

While Mom and Dad Were Gone . . .

While Mom and Dad were in Colorado, the boys had a weekend of play with Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Chet. Ethan and Noah had lunch at Chick-fil-a with Aunt Kim and Grandma Kathy on Friday, while Daniel and Benji were at Casa Vida. On Saturday they went to Ridemakerz and made custom cars. They also went to the aquarium at the Wildlife World Zoo. And, on Sunday, they went swimming! What a fun weekend for everyone!! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for taking such good care of our boys!!

Field trip to the Zoo!

On Wednesday, April 21, our co-op took a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo. It was an unseasonably cool day and we all enjoyed being outside, marveling at God's creation together! We spent several hours looking at the animals, we had a picnic lunch together and then we went home before the rain started!

Our Businessmen!

On Saturday, April 17, our family had a garage sale. The boys wanted to get in on the action, so they planned their own concession stand, which would run at the same time as our sale. Our neighbor girls, Chloe and Paige, were delighted to be their business partners! The kids all got together the night before and made signs advertising their merchandise. They carefully priced each of their items: soda, water, lemonade, candy and otter pops. On Saturday morning, they were ready for business. They worked hard, were enthusiastic and polite and at the end of the sale, they had earned $31.60. Way to go, kids!!